Hindu Rights Watch conduct several sessions based on planned interventions with the youth of rural India. It believes that it is the right time to encourage the youth of our community to join hands and walk together towards common goal before the same asset (youth) turns into liability for the entire nation. As a result, Hindu Rights Watch have designed various sessions and workshops in order to facilitate the youth residing within the community to develop cognitive ability to analyse and work as per the demand of the hour.

The youth is often observed to be the most muddle group in rural community. This is because of lack of guidance and scarcity of resources. Hence our team have decided to conducted regular theme based workshops/ sessions in order to enhance the capacity of the youth of rural community.

Hindu Rights Watch performs multiple sessions based on the common area of interest and need of the young adults. This in return builds the capacity of the participants and helps them to resolve their confusion pertaining to various psycho social and economical issues around. One of such workshop was conducted on June 2017 in Chitrakut with 73 of young adults including girls and boys.

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