Rishi Valmiki Program


Hindu Rights Watch is a rights based organization to save guard and protect the cultural, traditional and religious beliefs and practices and the rights of the people following Hinduism. We are here to promote equality and abolish the malpractices within the community in the name of religion and belief system. The programs are designed to propagate the science behind the practices and eradicate the superstitious practices existing within the community.


Rishi Valmiki Program

Rishi Valmiki Program is a program of Hindu Rights Watch which is designed to promote unity and equality and demolish the bigotry of caste system which is now creating a divide within the community. Through this program with the help of the ancient history of Varna system, we try to bring into light about the original practises and its significance and also explain how it is been misinterpreted in today’s era.
Hence through various tools and ways of community development we mobilize the community and organize sessions pertaining to the same objective.

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